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Country File Live 2017!!

I can't believe it!! remember that post recently about goals... one being do a big show... well look what happened! Country File Live 2017!  So this all happened extremely quickly, Victoria over at The Eyebrook Gallery in Uppingham suggested to me that I look up this fair and see what happens. So I did, this was back in June and within too weeks my application went through a committee and I was accepted to be part of the show. I was honoured to be part of the show, this would be my biggest one to date with up to 200,000 visitors last year.  Now the stressful part came... prep. How the heck was I going to prepare for a show of this size. I had no idea how much I should take with me. I asked around a few of my other arty friends and fellow stall holders at my local events and they all said the same thing.... I need more, ALOT more! Shit. How on earth am I going to pay for all of this! Luckily mum came to the rescue and lent me the money to buy stock... £3,000 later ...

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